About Aaswad

1. Visualization:- Start visualizing yourself as the healthiest person in the world. They say, everything is created twice i.e.first in the mind and then next in reality. This principle holds true wit...

# Life is simple. Do what you love today, don’t wait for tomorrow. If you find any given task difficult here are the steps to make it simple- Divide the big task in small parts. Do what you can by you...

Are you wondering what this article is all about? Well, this title is taken from Life coaching sessions & guest lectures that I conducted at various Colleges in the city. Before we begin I should...

Almost all MBA students from Indian universities have this question in their minds as they begin with the 2nd semester. Well, this article will be useful for all such students who often get confused a...

According to the latest survey, Information & Technology (IT) sector is one of the highest employment generating sectors in India. Companies usually absorb talent from diverse disciplines. This ar...

As the Information Technology sector has grown remarkably since the last decade and a half, number of Globally Certified IT professionals has increased at the same rate as the technology. Let us first...
Started running and exercising regularly, which brought his ‘Life Energy’ back. The team that he mentored built a revolutionary software product called ‘SKliQ’.
Created this portfolio. Delivered a talk in front of the NCC camp attendees at the lush green camp site. Also invited to deliver a talk at the Induction program for Management Students. Aaswad’s talks, articles and one on one sessions touched 25 thousand people so far in a positive way.
Took a break and counselled people in order to elevate their lives. More than 10 thousand people are benefited from Aaswad’s one on one counselling sessions.
Visited Alibaug, Nagaon near Mumbai. Danced on the stage for the first time.
Travelled to Goa for vacations. Delivered talks at rural institutions as a part of ‘Rural Empowerment Mission’.
Judged a national level paper presentation competition Xplore’13.
Contributed more than 50 articles for various publications across the globe. Post graduated with a Management Degree.
People started inviting to deliver talks at Business forums, Educational institutions, Start-ups, NGOs and Events etc.
Started working on consulting assignments. Also Judged a Fashion Show.
Started his own Technology Training & Consulting company named ‘ADC Infosystems’.
Graduated with an Engineering Degree.